Looking for good baguettes

🏅 Rating baguettes from 0 - 10
🥖 Philly based professional baker
⬇️ Check out the IG and tiktok

Bakery Map

A Google map of all the bakeries I rated baguettes from. Click on the icon on the top left to see the list of bakeries, and click on the markers on the map to see the reviews. Bakeries are color coded by tier on the tier list.

Baguette Database

A Google sheet database of all of the bakeries I've visited with locations and baguette ratings.

Tier list

S Tier (9+) (none yet)

A Tier (8 - 8.9)

B Tier (6 - 7.9)

C Tier (4 - 5.9)

D Tier (2 - 3.9)

F Tier (0 - 1.9)